August 7, 2016

Hailey Washakie Loop- Wind River Range

This past week, my sons and I, my brother and his boy and Mike and his sons made up our group of wandering travelers in the high Wind River Range. These mystical white granite mountains beckoned our suburban-ridden souls and delivered a memorable impression on each one of us. 

Each year my brother and I take our sons on a multi-day backpack trip. This year after studying maps and blog data, I created an itinerary that I felt our group of young ones would manage, albeit with some suffering. Fortunately, the stars aligned. We were able to get away from work and the demands of life and dive into this great and wild range.

Spanning over five days, these young men and their dads learned some important life lessons. The kids dug deep and pushed one another over nearly 40 miles, crossed over the Continental Divide twice and experienced peace and solitude only Nature can provide. Our boys range from 17 years of age down to only 9. They all did remarkably well.  We travelled from Big Sandy, going over Hailey Pass to Washakie Pass looping back to Big Sandy.

Day One  (10.5 Miles)


Skull Lake - End of the Day
Day Two- (7 Miles)
Hailey Pass- 11,200

The man and mighty Mt. Hooker  
Beach on Grave Lake
Day Three (5 Miles)
Mike and the waking light on Grave

Washakie Basin
Lake Washakie

Washakie Trout
Day Four (9 miles)
Macon Lake
Youthful longing for a couch
Washakie Pass-11,600

Shark's Nose, enroute to Dad's Lake
Day Five (6 miles)
Dad's Lake

One last look back

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