October 26, 2012

Seasonal wrestling match

This morning was super cold after yesterday's storm.  Unsure as to what the real snow depth was  I ventured into the stars of the Alta sky. It felt good to skin in the silence. After rubbing several rocks and while exploring around in the blackness, the scene looked like winter and felt like it on my nose and cheeks, but not under my skis. Baldy's north face loomed like a lonely shadow to my right.  Upon reaching the top of Collins, I prayed that I wouldn't destroy my skis on the descent. 10-13" is not enough. It wasn't pretty as I hugged the summer access road. Making it into work by 730 AM, I had that unique feeling of the fingers un-thawing with a dull ache while I typed. It felt good. My picture shows the wrestling match between autumn and winter conditions. Autumn prevailed.

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